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CFP Safety Film
CFP Safety Film
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CFP Safety Film

Article number: Safety
Säkerhetsfilm som skyddar mot personskador vid olycka, och försvårar inbrott. Pris per meter.
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Trygg e-handel

Trygg E-handel

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In CFP safety you get an transparent security film that makes burglary harder and protects against personal injuries. Protect your children , animals and property. The film works as well in the car, home or office. Security film is thick and transparent polyesterfilm with strong glue. When a window is crushed the security film keeps glass fragments thanks to extreme strong glue that is on CFP securityfilms on cars. Securityfilm has an UV shield on 95% and is 100 micron thick Securityfilm is only planned to be assembled on side windows It can easily be assembled on CFP:s Window tint car films upon security film. This safety film is also used in Enginesports as Rally , Rallycross etc. In order to prevent that glass fragment will get inside car.

Width: 152 centimetres