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Xenon Look Lampa
Xenonlook lampor H11 100W
Xenonlook lampor H11 100W
Xenon Look Lampa
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HID Look Lamp

Article number: plasmh7
HID look lamps gives a whiter shine than normal lamps that is reminding about HID
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Trygg e-handel

Trygg E-handel

We are certified with Trygg E-handel

Unlike ordinary halogen lamps, these have a coating on the glass that gives the lamp a whiter glow. The white glow is not only attractive but also makes contours clearer in the dark and makes it less tiring when driving at night.

Don't drive around with broken lights, switch to xenon look today!

Base: H7
Wattage: 55W
Voltage: 12V
Light temperature: ~5000K

Fits cars with and without Canbus monitoring.