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Front Wiper Blades BMW 5  (F10; F11)
Front Wiper Blades BMW 5  (F10; F11)
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Front Wiper Blades BMW 5 (F10; F11)

Article number: PP645K1PP665K1-168
High quality wiper blades made of natural rubber to fit BMW 5 (F10; F11) 2010->.
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Trygg e-handel

Trygg E-handel

We are certified with Trygg E-handel

High quality wiper blades made of natural rubber. The aerodynamic profile ensures that the blade has a perfect pressure against the window even at high speeds. Can withstand even the toughest conditions!

Easily installed using the included paper brochure and QR code with video instructions.

Fits: BMW 5 (F10; F11) 2010->

Length: 450 / 650

Double or center: Right and left

Check your current blades to make sure the new ones will fit.